
Xingchen-Song's Github Chart

About Me

My name is Xingchen Song (宋星辰), currently a second-year master student (2019 -- 2022) @ Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, advised by Prof. Zhiyong Wu.

My research interests include speech recognition, mispronunciation detection and diagnosis.


M.S. in Computer Science and Technology
Tsinghua University, 2019 to 2022.

B.E. in Computer Science and Technology
Dalian University of Technology, 2015 to 2019.

Work Experiences

Research Intern @ Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA), Speech Group
Focusing on mispronunciation detection and diagnosis, 2020.12 to 2021.03.
advised by Frank K. Soong.

Research Intern @ Tencent AI Lab, Speech Group
Focusing on acoustic modeling and end-to-end speech recognition, 2019.06 to 2020.12.
advised by Guangsen Wang and Yiheng Huang.


Please visit my Google Scholar profile.